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MightySites ver. 3.1.5

Unfortunately, we were forced to remove Articles and Categories synchronization because we encountered various issues.

Fortunately, this new feature was used by one customer only.

We will try to improved synchronization in the future, but for now please don't use it.

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MightySites ver. 3.1.4

Introducing Articles and Categories synchronization: now you can synchronize update/create/delete of articles and categories to other sites.

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p8pbb bridge 3.0.8

  • SEO improvement: removing duplicate title of topic print view page.
  • Improvement: added compatibility with email authentication in Joomla, user can login with email in phpBB now if he was authenticated by email in Joomla.
  • Fix: issue with non-https links in Xmap plugin.
  • Improvement: removed previous document base overwrite.
  • New features in latest forum activity module: new setting 'Only Unread Items' which allows you to display i.e. only unread topics, and 'Show Unread Status' which highlights unread topics or posts. 'Show Replies Count' allows you to display count of replies in topic.
  • Improved handling of topic canonical link, added next/prev meta tags for topic page.
  • Corrected remembering login behavior in redirect to phpBB page with missed phpBB session.
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