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Alter Glossary

Extremely powerful and full-featured glossary component for Joomla!

Allows to highlight terms in articles as well as browsing and searching terms.

Supports Joomla articles and category descriptions, Joomla custom HTML modules, K2, EasyBlog, TZ Portfolio+ and own glossary terms pages. Developers can add support for own extensions via custom handlers.

Extension information


5.x maintained

4.x maintained

3.x not maintained

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  • Unique advanced performance optimization for highlighting terms in content items: average server database load and memory usage are significantly minimized.
  • Frontend views 'List of Categories', 'List of Terms from Category', 'Single Term' and 'Add a Term'.
  • Frontend edit and creation of terms.
  • Separating of term full title and abbreviation (only abbreviation is highlighted in content).
  • Highlighting of terms in Joomla articles (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in article page and category articles listings, categories descriptions, custom HTML and 'Articles - Newsflash' modules.
  • Highlighting of terms in Alter Glossary terms descriptions (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories), categories descriptions.
  • Highlighting of terms in K2 items (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in item page and category items listings, categories descriptions.
  • Highlighting of terms in EasyBlog posts (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in post page and posts listings.
  • Highlighting of terms in TZ Portfolio+ articles (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in article page and category listings.
  • Highlighting of terms in Hikashop category and product descriptions.
  • Highlighting of terms in SobiPro category descriptions and entry fields.
  • Highlighting of terms in VirtueMart product descriptions.
  • Highlighting of terms in Werb Links category and link descriptions (can require custom layout override).
  • Highlighting of terms in SP Page Builder pages and modules.
  • Count of term page views.
  • Alphabet filtering of terms with ability to configure preferred letters, separate letters into lines and add spacing between letters. Missed alphabet letters can be auto-disabled.
  • Search filter for tags with optional advanced search methods "Contains", "Begins with", "Exact" and "Sounds like".
  • "Sounds like" search method can use combinations of Soundex, Metaphone and Daitch-Mokotoff (works with Cyrillic terms) phonetic algorithms.
  • Bootstrap Tooltip or Bootstrap Popover types of tips for highlighting terms in content with configurable tip placement (top, bottom, left or right), Joomla 2.5 can use default MooTools-based tips.
  • Optional wrapping of highlighted term into a link to individual term page.
  • Ability to highlight terms on all menu items, selected menu items, all menu items except selected.
  • Native Joomla permissions system for creating, editing, editing state and editing own terms.
  • Nested terms categories, optional frontend display of terms counts in category.
  • Separating of term definition into introtext and fulltext, configurable display of introtext and/or fulltext in term category listings, individual term page and term tip.
  • Featured status for terms, featured terms can be optionally displayed first in category listing.
  • Intro Image and Main image selection for term category listing and individual term page.
  • Up to 5 configurable links for term, list of related links is displayed in individual term page.
  • Related terms feature, list of related terms is displayed in individual term page via "See also:" links. Terms are self-related: no need to setup relation of term B to term A if you already configured relation of term A to term B. Related term is easily configured via auto-suggestion list of available terms once you start typing term title.
  • Next/Previous terms links in individual term page.
  • Ability to configure list of HTML tags with optional CSS classes where terms won't be highlighted (essential feature for keeping your titles and links clean).
  • Case-sensitive / case-insensitive term highlighting with global setting and individual term setting.
  • Ability to highlight term only once in text with global setting and individual term setting.
  • Ability to highlight all permutations of a collocation term.
  • Ability to customize colors and font size of tooltips and popovers.
  • Option to auto-fill meta description of term page with term's definition text.
  • Option to auto-add page terms to meta keywords of content item page.
  • Display a list of terms used in Joomla or K2 article.
  • Integration of Komento and JComments comments for individual term page.
  • Import of your current glossaries on demand (potentially, with additional cost depending on task complexity).
  • Native Joomla tags support.
  • native Joomla custome fields support.
  • Search, Smart Search and OSMap plugins.
  • Advanced routing mode: links to terms don't include ID.
  • 'Alter Glossary - Category' module: displays terms from selected categories.
  • Term synonyms and original titles.
  • Notify admin on frontend term creation/update.
  • Email user on frontend term creation.
  • Term usage statistics.
  • Fetch short term description text from Wikipedia.
  • Terms CSV export and import.
  • Term mentions: individual term page contains list of pages where the term is used.
  • Editor button for adding term links.
  • Term suggestions in frontend glossary search field.

Want a new feature? Why not? Please Contact Us!

  • Joomla 4.4 or higher.
  • PHP 8.1 or higher, Mbstring extension, MySQL >=5.7.22
  • Large glossaries can require more memory for PHP scripts.
  • Bootstrap5-based frontend and backend Joomla templates, or Uikit for frontend.

09 May 2024 - ver. 4.4.0:

  • Feature: search specific custom fields, see component setting "Search > Custom Fields".
  • Feature: new setting "Glossary View > Automatic 'Read More' Limit" helps to auto-truncate definition text for glossary views.

12 Feb 2024 - ver. 4.3.0:

  • Fix: export of articles with custom fields with multiple values.
  • Feature: new glossary and individual term settings "Apply Content Plugins" and "Show Custom Fields" help to control these features and reduce page load time where these features are not required.
  • Feature: new "Alter Glossary - Search" module with search suggestions.

20 Oct 2023 - ver. 4.2.0:

  • Feature: CSV delimiter, enclosure and multivalue custom fields mode (comma/JSON) export options.
  • Feature: multivalue custom fields mode (comma/JSON) import options.
  • Feature: new global setting "Tip HTML Tag (next)" helps to display the 2nd+ occurrences of a term wrapped in a special tag, applies if a term is parsed only once (we have only one tip for a term in the text).
  • Feature: Joomla 5 support.
  • Change: PHP 8.1 as min, Joomla 4.4 as min.

31 Aug 2023 - ver. 4.1.0:

  • Feature: import/export of terms with custom fields.
  • Feature: highlighting of terms in SP Page Builder pages and modules.

16 Aug 2023 - ver. 4.0.0:

  • Feature: Preview link in backend term list.
  • Fix: "Glossary Term" editor button missed in Joomla4.
  • Change: Joomla 4.3 as min.
  • Change PHP 8.0 as min.

01 Feb 2023 - ver. 3.8.2:

  • Change: access of un-authorized glossary view redirects to login form now, an error was raised before.
  • Updates: minor Joomla! 4 code updates.

21 Nov 2022 - ver. 3.8.1:

  • Feature: new settings "Allowed Glossaries" and "Disallowed Glossaries" for term list in all Alter Glossary plugins. Help to hide terms from specific glossaries in item term list.
  • Fix: prohibited parent tags issue with tags started from prohibited tags (<a> and <article>).

26 Sep 2022 - ver. 3.8.0:

  • Feature: new setting "Advanced > Individual Article Settings" for "Alter Glossary - Joomla" and "Alter Glossary - Alter Glossary" helps to display article-specific settings for individual item edit form and control the terms parse (yes/no) and exclude specific terms from parsing.

21 Sep 2022 - ver. 3.7.0:

  • Feature: new content plugin "Content - Alter Glossary Pagebreak" which enables page breaks in the term description, similar to native Joomla articles.
  • Feature: new setting "Glossary View > Group By Glossary Title" to display the sub-glossary title for a group of terms in category view.
  • Feature: new setting "Parse Full Article Layout" in Joomla and Alter Glossary plugins helps to parse the whole article layout text but not just the article/term text.

01 February 2022 - ver. 3.6.0:

  • Feature: new advanced component setting "Force Multi-Language" helps to always display language settings for terms even if 'System - Language Filter' plugin is disabled.
  • Feature: new advanced component setting "Disable Popper GPU Acceleration" helps to prettify fonts in tips for Joomla 4.
  • Feature: new tip setting "Tip Hide Delay".
  • Fix: usage page delete broken in Joomla 3.
  • Feature: new setting "Glossary View > Subcategory Order" to order the list of subcategories differently from category order of terms.
  • Feature: glossary view search suggestions.

25 October 2021 - ver. 3.5.0:

  • Fix: terms import with non-existing IDs.
  • Feature: new setting "Link Title" for Glossary view. Re-save component settings to link titles by default.
  • Feature: new setting "Show Alphabet Counts" displays number of terms per letter as tooltip.
  • Feature: filtered glossary letter is included in breadcrumbs and page title.
  • Feature: current glossary page number is included in page title.
  • Change: category/default_abc.php layout changed.
  • Feature: automatic prefetch of term image on term page.
  • Feature: new global option "Non-Readmore Tip Type" helps to not link highlighted term if there is no readmore.

09 August 2021 - ver. 3.4.0:

  • Feature: new term setting "Extra Words" helps to parse custom phrases.
  • Feature: new term setting "Custom Tip Title" to display custom title in term tip.
  • Feature: global "Term List" default settings in component options.
  • Feature: new term list setting "Term Style" allows to configure preferred output of a term, i.e. with a tooltip.

26 July 2021 - ver. 3.3.0:

  • Fix: automatic term meta description not applied.
  • Fix: term keywords not saved.
  • Feature: new component setting "SEO > Block Meta Words" to exclude certain words from automatic meta keywords and description.
  • Feature: parsing speed improvement.
  • Feature: new parsing options "Highlight Synonym Plural Form" and "Highlight Synonym Case Forms".

07 May 2021 - ver 3.2.0:

  • Feature: new setting 'Highlight Permutations' allows to additionally highlight all collocation permutations, i.e. the term 'John Lennon' is parsed as 'Lennon John'.
  • Feature: custom layout overrides for tips via /templates/your-template/html/plg_system_aglossary/tips/ layouts.

04 May 2021 - ver. 3.1.0:

  • Fix: search of synonyms with none-ASCII chars.
  • Feature: Web Links plugin for parsing terms in native Joomla Web Links component.

04 November 2020 - ver. 3.0.1:

  • Fix: no terms are parsed under certain conditions.
  • Upgrade notes: re-save component options after install.

28 October 2020 - ver. 3.0.0:

  • Fix: broken search by synonyms via com_search component.
  • Feature: native Joomla plugins for handling terms in content.
  • Feature: VirtueMart support.
  • Feature: add Term button in Joomla editor to insert correct term URL.
  • Feature: new Glossary List layout to display a table of terms.
  • Feature: display author, glossary and term dates on term page.
  • Changes: "term" view renamed to "article", "terms" view renamed to "articles". Most settings renamed (term > article).
  • Feature: Joomla 4 compatibility.
  • Upgrade instructions: install the new package, revise and save component options, publish and configure required plugins of 'aglossary' type. Adjust custom layouts to new view and settings names.

12 August 2020 - ver. 2.4.0:

  • Feature: canonical URL tags for category and term pages.
  • Feature: separate search yes/no options for title, original title, abbreviation and synonyms.
  • Fix: improved search in synonyms.
  • Note: update of all terms is required for search in synonyms.
  • Feature: advanced caching for logged users.
  • Feature: Smart Search plugin.
  • Feature: term mentions on term page (links to pages with the term mentions).
  • Note: once installed, all current usage pages data are emptied and will be auto-populated on page load. Hence, all usage data and mentions will be re-created soon.

05 August 2020 - ver. 2.3.1:

  • Fix: possible issues with individual term pages with terms in term definition.

04 August 2020 - ver. 2.3.0:

  • Terms CSV export and import.

31 July 2020 - ver. 2.2.0:

  • Feature: fetch short term description text from Wikipedia.
  • Fix: prevent creating of terms when the term title already exists.

28 July 2020 - ver. 2.1.0:

  • Feature: ability to add CSS class for prohibited HTML tags like p.copyright.
  • Feature: SobiPro support.

15 May 2020 - ver. 2.0.1:

  • Fix: added 301 redirect from old deprecated individual synonym URLs to new original term URLs.

1 May 2020 - ver. 2.0.0:

  • Feature: simplified synonyms management: just enter synonyms on term edit page.
  • Feature: per-term Joomla permissions.
  • Feature: Joomla custom fields support.
  • Feature: new term element "Original Title" can hold the original title, i.e. Latin name.
  • Feature: global and per-term options to highlight term Title, Abbreviation, Original Title and Synonyms.
  • Feature: ability to include/exclude term abbreviation and original title into tip title, category view term title and individual term view term title.
  • Feature: global and per-term tip link target option (same window, new window) and link nofollow relation options.
  • Feature: select tip HTML element tag (span, abbr, strong, i) for non-link tips.
  • Feature: custom term URLs.
  • Feature: per-term tip type and tip tag selection.
  • Feature: terms edit history.
  • Feature: separate each glossary (term category) as search area in Joomla search.
  • Feature: term usage statistics.
  • Feature: OSMap (ex XMap) sitemap extension plugin.
  • Feature: display "Featured" badge on individual term page.
  • Feature: new term setting "Term Layout > Page Heading" to control the custom heading on on individual term page.

Upgrade notes: install the new package, revise and re-save component options.

03 March 202 - ver 1.5.0:

  • Feature: send email to user once a term is added in frontend (configurable email subject and body).
  • Feature/fix: don't highlight term synonyms on individual term page.
  • Feature: support 'Articles - Newsflash' module.
  • Feature: captcha setting for guests frontend term edit/add.
  • Fix: issue with deleting terms since Joomla 3.9.1
  • Feature: new setting "Category Layout > Show Image"
  • Feature: terms support in Hikashop category descriptions and product descriptions.
  • Change: content plugin changed to system.
  • Change: using <figure> and <figcaption> tags for images

06 June 2018 - ver. 1.4.4:

  • Feature: ability to send email to admin on term update in frontend.
  • Feature: TZ Portfolio Plus integration.

30 January 2018 - ver. 1.4.3:

  • Fix: Joomla 3.8.3 compatibility

24 December 2017 - ver. 1.4.2:

  • Feature: new Term Layout setting 'Show Back Link' to display term category link.
  • Fix: frontend term edit on Joomla 3.8

11 November 2017 - ver. 1.4.1:

  • Fix: 'Bootstrap popover on click' close button.
  • Feature: new setting 'Inline Term CSS' allows to set CSS rules for terms highlighted in text.
  • Fix: parsing of terms with single quotes, e.g. O'Neill.
  • Feature: EasyBlog support.

11 November 2016 - ver. 1.4.0:

  • Feature: dropped Joomla 2.5 support.
  • Feature: new Tip Types 'Popover fixed' and 'Tooltip fixed' allows to have frozen tip which disappears on mouse out only, so it' possible to click smth inside tip area. Such option was enabled only if a term had readmore text.
  • Fix: same terms pages with enabled Joomla caching.
  • Fix: issue with 3 columns layout of terms used in article.
  • Feature: new setting 'Redirect Synonyms' can be disabled and each synonym will get own URL and page with 'Synonym of XXX' text and a link to parent term for more details.
  • Feature: new tip type 'Bootstrap popover on click' displays popover with tip text on clicking the term.
  • Feature: new advanced setting 'Bootstrap 3 Support' helps with Bootstrap 3 CSS if your template uses Bootstrap 3.
  • Feature: JComments support for comments on individual term page.
  • Fix: terms not highlighted inside <hX> tags.
  • Feature: ability to load Bootstrap 3 assets for tooltips and popovers to use auto-positioning.
  • Feature: ability to customize colors and font size of tooltips and popovers.
  • Feature: ability to load special responsive style for tooltips and popovers to display them in full width on mobile devices.

04 March 2015 - ver. 1.3.1:

  • Feature: Allow tooltip link to be clicked if there is no Readmore link.
  • Feature: 'Link only' option for 'Tip Type' setting helps to display link to term page without tooltip.
  • Feature: parsing terms in K2 item extra fields of 'Text Field' and 'Textarea' types.
  • Fix: routing issue with child terms in 'Alter Glossary - Category Terms' module.
  • Fix+Feature: new advanced component setting 'Fix MooTools & Boostrap' helps to prevent issues with disappearing highlighted terms.
  • Feature: performance improvement.

09 July 2014 - ver. 1.3.0:

  • Fix: additional support for Chinese terms.
  • Feature: new component option 'Alphabet Numbers' allows to show/hide 09 filter option for alphabet filter.
  • Feature: term synonyms.

16 April 2014 - ver. 1.2.2:

  • Fix: issue with frontend terms edit.

31 March 2014 - ver. 1.2.1:

  • Fix: impossible to delete terms.
  • Fix: impossible to remove terms associations.
  • Feature: new settings '' and 'Highlight Abbreviation' - now you can highlight both term title and/or abbreviation in a text.

24 March 2014 - ver. 1.2.0:

  • Feature: default state and email notifications for new terms added via frontend.
  • Fix: incorrect term page if Joomla caching is enabled.
  • Fix: terms with hyphens were not parsed.
  • Feature: ability to use Root category for 'List of Terms from Category' menu item.
  • Feature: ability to highlight terms on all menu items, selected menu items, all menu items except selected.
  • Feature: 'Search Types' setting for controlling search types.
  • Fix: search with disabled SEF URLs.
  • Feature: terms associations.

17 January 2014 - ver. 1.1.2:

  • Feature: added 'Search Meta Description' and 'Search Term Description' settings.
  • Feature: separated search options for own search and content plugin search.
  • Feature: 'Terms Columns' setting for Category layout - allows display of terms in multiple columns.
  • Feature: 'Alter Glossary - Category' module to display terms from categories.
  • Feature: 'Terms List' - display of terms used in Joomla or K2 article.

12 August 2013 - ver. 1.1.1:

  • Added setting 'Search All Categories' - now you can search not inside current category only but in all categories also.
  • Added setting 'Show Terms' - now you can disable terms in category listing and see ABC and search filters only by default.
  • Added search plugin.
  • Added 'Show Links' setting for Category Layout.
  • Added 'Advanced Term Routing' setting - now term URLs can be without ID.

26 July 2013 - ver. 1.1.0

  • Added Joomla 2.5 compatibility
  • Added 'Search Meta Keywords' feature
  • Added Joomla 3.1 native tags

02 July 2013 - ver. 1.0.1

  • Added Komento comments for individual term pages