Extension information
- Compatibility:
5.x maintained
4.x maintained
3.x not maintained
- Type:
- Commercial
- License:
- JED:
- click here
- Translations:
- click here
- Price:
- $59.00
Buy now
- Using parked domains (also known as "domain aliases") as separate websites hosted on same Joomla installation.
- Ability to create virtual sites in 1st-level subfolders of a master site (http://mastersite.com/subfolder) hosted on same Joomla installation.
- Cloning databases for new sites from existing sites.
- Sharing database data of core Joomla! components for:
Extensions, Permissions, Users, Templates, Categories, Content, Languages, Menus, Modules, Newsfeeds, Weblinks, Banners, Contacts, Smart Search, Fields. - Single frontend/backend login/logout in specified Joomla! https:// websites if login/logout on website with the extension installed (requires the installation of plugins to all sites). Doesn't work in Firefox due to Enhanced Tracking Protection.
- Single frontend/backend login/logout in https:// domains with same top-level domain (https://master.com and https://xxx.master.com) via session sharing.
- Per-site separation of selected plugin and component settings (except permissions).
- Per-site auto-addition and auto-removal of access level and/or user group.
- Per-site components removal.
- Per-site filter of frontend languages.
- Per-site filter of Hikashop categories and manufacturers with their products.
- No hacks to Joomla! are required*.
- Overrides for sites running with single database and files: custom CSS files, custom homepage menu item selection, custom frontend and backend template style selection, ability to hide menu items and modules, leave only certain menu items and modules, disable certain plugins, custom Favicon image, custom language file loading, custom 'File Path' and 'Image Path' settings of Media Manager, 'New User Registration Group' and 'Guest User Group' of User Manager, custom javascript code.
- Overrides for allowed/denied frontend/backend login usergroups.
- Override multilingual website default menu items for languages.
- Native Joomla custom fields supported for site configuration.
- Detailed installation instructions in English.
- Cost-free installation on request (up to 5 slave sites), included in subscription.
- The price includes 1 year none-recurrent subscription. Support, downloads of product add-ons and new versions are available within this subscription period.
- Sharing database data of 3rd-party extensions from different websites. We can add the desired extension if you wish, please contact Support for checking the availability of using the 3rd-party extension before purchase.
Currently supported extensions (you can share database data of these extensions between sites with different tables, all other extensions work as usual, special support is not required if websites use same database tables):
JomSocial, JomSocial (except config), Community Builder, Mosets Tree, Sobi2, SobiPro, GridIron, UddeIM, Zoo, DT Register, EasyBlog, JoomSport, RSForm!, RSFiles!, AcyMailing, JCE editor, Adsmanager, JoomShopping, Kunena, K2, ProjectFork, Community Polls, En Masse, Phoca Gallery, Phoca Download, JReviews, Virtuemart (all data), Virtuemart (all data except configuration), JEvents, HWDMediaShare (optionally without config), Akeeba Backup Pro, Akeeba Subscriptions, Feedgator, Easy Image Gallery (JoomlaXTC), Invitex, jbolo, Appointment Book (JoomlaXTC), Artist Showcase (JoomlaXTC), GeoCodingSuite (Socialables), PowerTabs (JoomlaXTC), PayPlans, Reading List (JoomlaXTC), SocialAds (Techjoomla), Locator, Social Pin Board, Hikashop, swMenuPro & swMenuFree, VMUpload, DJ-Classifieds, ChronoForms < v6, EventList, Frontpage Slideshow (by JoomlaWorks), JSN ImageShow, JSN UniForm, Widgetkit (1.5.x, not 2.x), RedShop, JV-LinkExchanger, Brute Force Stop, Komento (optionally without config), JSN PowerAdmin, Securitycheck, EXP Autos Pro, MijoSearch, Advanced Module Manager, JCK editor, ReReplacer, MageBridge, Preach it, OS Membership, MijoSEF, OSE Membershop, EasyDiscuss, HS Users, JoomlaQuiz Deluxe, MusCol, All Video Share, Frontend User Access, Joaktree, RSTickets! Pro, AceSEF, AlphaUserPoints, Vip Quotes, Freestyle FAQs, Spider Calendar, JComments, Memorials, PaidSystem, HikaMarket, RSMembership!, JFBConnect, AdAgency, FW Real Estate, FW Real Estate Pro, IProperty, NoNumber Snippets, Zh GoogleMap, JomDirectory, AJAX Register, JSitemap (ex JMap), Emerald, RSEvents! Pro, JoomBri Freelance, XMap, J2Store, Love Factory, MijoShop (since 2.2.0, MijoShop store ID is supported per site), EasySocial (optionally without config), Auction Factory, HDW Player, Jom Classifieds, RegReminder, FlexiContact, CComment, XTDir for SobiPro, Improved AJAX Login Register, JobsFactory, VMVendor, EShop, FLEXIcontent, CMGroupBuying, JoomGallery, JoomGalaxy, jDownloads, Easy Profile & JSN Social Network, iCagenda, ARTIOBooking, Cobalt, VikAppointments, JoomCareer, Quick2Cart (optionally without config), TJFields, Guru & Guru Pro, OnePage Checkout, BreezingForms, VikBooking, Kandanda, Flickr Suite, Fields Attach, JMapMyLDAP, sh404SEF, Matukio, LMS King, JU Download, JGive, Form2Content, Jticketing, Youtube Gallery, DPCalendar, Engage Box, Contentbuilder, Community Answers, CM Live Deal, Creative Contact Form, Freestyle Testimonials, Freestyle FAQs Pro, JCalPro, Lifestream (Pro), Event Booking, Convert Forms, My Testimonials, My Maps location, CoalaWeb Traffic, Sellacious, SP Page Builder, J-BusinessDirectory, VikRestaurants, Affiliate Tracker, Invoices, JoomCRM, OS Services Booking, DJ-League, JoomInvoice.
Known extensions which can't be shared across few sites with different database tables (a site can't load extension data from other site but data can be shared in sites use same tables):
Listbingo, Ohanah, Fabrik, Falang, JDictionary, JoomFish, RokGallery, RokSprocket, Docman, Logman and other Koowa-related extensions.
YooTheme Pro, Falang, JDictionary and JoomFish extensions don't allow to load any external database data on a site where installed, so custom sharing of database data is not possible, but you can run multiple slave sites with minor customizations (like separate default menu item, separate default language, hide menu items and/or modules per site etc.)
Important notes:
- Restoring the single Joomla installation via Akeeba Backup will overwrite original Joomla config file, hence next you need to update the Joomla config files for all sites manually.
* Only configuration.php file is auto-changed by the component.
Want a new feature? Why not? Please Contact Us!
- Joomla 4.3 or higher with MySQL database.
- PHP 8.1 or higher, MySQL 5.7 or higher.
- Joomla database user should have access to databases with shared content (that usually means that your sites should be located within same hosting account of same hosting provider).
- Copy of databases and share contents require all sites to use same MySQL host.
- All sites should use domain root, i.e. in http://domain.com, not http://domain.com/joomla/ if you want to serve multiple sites from single Joomla installation. It won't work with http://localhost/mysite, you will need to setup virtual hosts (please be sure that you know how).
- You should be able to create parked domains in your hosting panel for creating virtual domains.
- Your server should allow symbolic links creation for creating virtual sites like http://mainsite.com/xxx.
- You should know the Joomla, clearly understand how it works, how a webserver and a database server works, what are the database tables and how they are used in Joomla.
- It's only possible to share all items of same type (all records from same database table).
- You can't separate settings of the components which use files for storing data, i.e. Community Builder.
- You can't share certain categories of Joomla articles, only all categories. Same for articles - you can share only all articles.
- Content sharing doesn't work with JoomFish, JDictionary and other extensions which use custom database handler.
- Backend edit of 3rd-party websites works in standard backend templates only (Bluestork for Joomla 2.5 and Isis for 3.0+).
- Templates with non-standard Joomla settings storage in files (i.e. YooTheme Warp) doesn't allow multiple template styles of single template for multiple sites sharing same files.
- We can't guarantee that MightySites will work with any Joomla extension.
28 Jan 2025 - ver. 5.5.0:
- Feature: native Joomla custom fields support for sites configuration. Enable "Edit Custom Fields" in Advanced component options, next configure custom fields for sites as usual. Use Factory::getApplication()->get('mighty_custom_fields') to get the current site's fields data.
10 Oct 2024 - ver. 5.4.0:
- Feature: new Override setting "Language Homepages" helps to override multilingual website language-specific default menu items (homepages).
19 Sep 2024 - ver. 5.3.0:
- Change: added all workflows tables for sharing "Content" in "Core Extensions".
- Change: added #__user_mfa and #__webauthn_credentials tables for sharing "Users" in "Core Extensions".
- Change: Removed JReviews from extensions allowed for loading database data from another database (not possible anymore due to changes in recent JReviews code).
- Feature: warn about misused custom table mappings on site settings save.
- Upgrade instructions: install new version in main site. Re-save site settings in MightySites, if a site has "Core Extensions" > "Users" or "Content" in "Data Sources" overrides.
14 Mar 2024 - ver. 5.2.0:
- Fix: issues with UTF (emojis).
18 Dec 2023 - ver. 5.1.3:
- Fix: single login/logout in Chrome.
13 Dec 2023 - ver. 5.1.2:
- Fix: database data overload not applied in Joomla 5.
06 Dec 2023 - ver. 5.1.1:
- Fix: Joomla 4.4.1 and 5.0.1 language issue.
12 Oct 2023 - ver. 5.1.0:
- Fix: Falang compatibility.
- Feature: Joomla 5 support.
- Change: PHP 8.1 as min.
11 Sep 2023 - ver. 5.0.1:
- Fix: saving site settings empties password in global configuration file.
01 Sep 2023 - ver. 5.0.0:
- Change: Joomla 3 support dropped.
- Change: PHP 8.0 as min.
06 June 2023 - ver. 4.6.0:
- Feature: filter Hikashop categories and manufacturers per site.
- Change: single login/logout has new options for Disabled/Frontend/Backend/Frontend & Backend now. It was just Disabled/Enabled before. All previously enabled options are Frontend now.
- Feature: clear cache of sites from MightySites backend list of sites.
14 Apr 2023 - ver. 4.5.2:
- Feature: setup default 'samesite' attributes for cookies from frontend/backend in advanced site settings. Helps with login from iframes.
- Fix: YooTheme Pro style not forced as default template style.
08 Mar 2023 - ver. 4.5.1
- Fix: single login/logout between different domains in Firefox. Many thanks to saman!
26 Oct 2022 - ver. 4.5.0:
- Feature: Check Connections toolbar button to quickly check all database connections to sites and data sources.
- Fix: Joomla 4 error message on encrypted database connections.
19 Oct 2022 - ver. 4.4.2:
- Feature: filter frontend languages.
- Fix: Joomla 4 compatibility.
26 July 2022 - ver. 4.4.1:
- Fix: warnings in system information.
07 July 2022 - ver. 4.4.0:
- Feature: new override setting "Allow User Registration" per site.
- Feature: new Filters settings to add/remove access level and/or usergroups per site.
09 March 2022 - ver. 4.3.0:
- Fix: menu items not removed in Joomla 4.
- Feature: multilingual settings in global component options: redirects to language-specific domains, automatic alternate links correction, automatic language switcher module links correction.
13 Dec 2021 - ver. 4.2.1:
- Feature: new site setting "SEO > NoIndex/NoFollow Categories" helps to add "noindex" and/or "nofollow" meta robots directives for article category and its articles.
- Fix: content category filtering not applied on no database replacements configured.
23 Nov 2021 - ver. 4.2.0:
- Feature: wildcard domain configurations. The configuration of *.site.com is applied for all subdomains of site.com.
28 Sep 2021 - ver. 4.1.4:
- Feature: ability to append extra query string parameters for single-login domain, i.e. AdminTools secret token can be added for backend login.
- Fix: config files of site aliases are not deleted on site removal.
- Fix: Joomla4 UI updates.
02 November 2020 - ver. 4.1.3:
- Change: single login is only available for https:// websites now.
- Fix: single login broken since the recent SameSite cookie restrictions in most modern browsers.
- Note: single login plugin should be also updated.
08 October 2020 - ver. 4.1.2:
- Fix: template style overrides not applied for Gantry5 templates.
23 September 2020 - ver. 4.1.1:
- Fix: customizations not applied.
22 September 2020 - ver. 4.1.0:
- Change: per-site settings in Overrides for site and secret keys of reCAPTCHA plugin removed.
- Feature: per-site separation of selected plugin and component settings.
- Feature: per-site components removal.
- Feature: Joomla 4 compatibility.
- Change: system plugin removed.
- Note: please disregard error on update.
16 June 2020 - ver. 4.0.5:
- Feature: single login/logout is supported for backend now (special single login/logout plugin should be updated if used).
11 June 2020 - ver. 4.0.4:
- Fix: "Remove Menus" and "Display Only Menus" restrictions settings are not saved.
27 May 2020 - ver. 4.0.3:
- Feature: new setting "Backend Login Usergroups" to control backend login.
22 May 2020 - ver. 4.0.2:
- Fix: saved single login/logout data not displayed.
19 May 2020 - ver. 4.0.1:
- Fix: issue with enabled "System - Language Filter" plugin and plugins filter.
- Fix: issue with Falang support.
14 May 2020 - ver. 4.0.0:
- Feature: custom Guest User Group setting per site.
- Feature: improved and simplified dUI.
- Feature: new content type 'Menus - Admin Navigation' helps to load backend menu from master if slave uses own tables for menus.
- Change: PHP 7.2 as min.
- Change: config files moved to domain root folder and renamed (before: configuration_xxx_master_site_com.php, after: configuration.xxx.master-site.com.php).
- Upgrade notes: please backup your site before install of new version, single login/logout plugin should be also updated. If any of your domain had a hyphen, please ensure that /configuration.DOMAIN_NAME.php has a hyphen but not a dot.
14 April 2020 - ver. 3.4.0:
- Feature: ability to copy Menus, Modules and Template Styles tables for sites and custom data sources.
23 March 2020 - ver. 3.3.4:
- Feature: 'Allowed/Disallowed K2 Categories' setting to protect K2 content.
- Feature: new override setting 'Homepage Template Style' to always set custom homepage template style.
- Feature: direct share of native Joomla custom fields (including categories and groups) and/or fields values.
- Feature: new override settings 'Allow Frontend Login Usergroups' and 'Deny Frontend Login Usergroups' help to control site login.
- Feature: new override settings 'JomSocial Template' to override JomSocial template per site.
- Feature: override default backend template style.
23 November 2017 - ver. 3.3.3:
- Fix: backend menu not loaded from external data source of Extensions on Joomla 3.8.
- Warning: all slave sites should be re-saved in MightySites if Extensions are loaded from another site or custom data source.
- Feature: Allowed/Disallowed Content Categories settings now affect native Joomla articles search plugin and filters articles by restricted categories.
01 September 2017 - ver. 3.3.2:
- Fix: tables are not overloaded if table has
after name (RokSprocket) issue. - Fix: incorrect behavior of 'Display Only Menus' setting.
- Feature: new Overrides setting 'Force Default Template Style' allows to use custom default template style even if a menu item has own specific style assigned.
23 June 2017 - ver. 3.3.1:
- Feature: new Overrides settings 'Hide Menus' and 'Display Menus' allows to hide and/or exclusively display all menu items from selected menus.
- Feature: new Overrides settings 'Disallow Content Categories' and 'Allow Content Categories' allows to guard categories and articles pages, 404 error is raised on protected pages.
30 May 2017 - ver. 3.3.0:
- Update: Joomla 3.7 as minimum
- Feature: improved site details popover to display more data.
- Feature: improved UI.
- Update: terminology changes. 'Databases' are 'Data Sources', 'Content Sharing' is 'Data Overload' now.
- Update: rewritten installation instructions.
11 May 2017 - ver. 3.2.10
- Fix: menu item template style is ignored if site default template style override is configured.
- Fix: Joomla 3.7 issue - backend menu is not loaded from 3rd-source if Extensions are loaded from this source. Such sites should be re-saved in MightySites after upgrade of MightySites.
27 April 2017 - ver. 3.2.9:
- Fix: menu items are not hidden with Falang installed.
- Fix: language override can fail on Joomla 3.6.
- Feature: new override setting 'Remove Plugins' allows to disable certain plugins on slave sites which use same tables as master.
- Fix: Joomla 3.7 compatibility.
31 May 2016 - ver. 3.2.8:
- Feature: ability to force domain configuration via --domain=site.com parameter in CLI command line.
- Feature: ability to override default YooTheme template style/profile for sites sharing same files. Warp 6+ is required.
- Feature: experimental Falang compatibility (Falang 2.2.2 is required) - new setting in Advanced site settings.
- Feature: ability to setup AdminTools security token for a site in Advanced site settings.
- Fix (minor): PHP 7 compatibility.
15 July 2015 - ver. 3.2.7:
- Feature: new site override settings 'Display Menu Items' and 'Display Modules' allow to leave only certain menu items and modules. It helps to easier customize sites which use same database tables.
- Featrure: Default Template Style override should not be applied if current menu item has own assigned template style.
- Fix: issue with sharing of Extensions and discovered extensions list.
- Fix: issue with Akeeba backup on sites with content sharing enabled.
05 March 2015 - ver. 3.2.6:
- Fix: possible issue with subfolder sites and single RewriteBase limit.
- Fix: issue with selection of other language than overridden default language.
- Feature: advanced component setting 'Support Varnish' helps to deal with Varnish cache.
- Fix: issue with language override file on Joomla 3.3.
- Fix: Joomla 3.4 language override.
03 September 2014 - ver. 3.2.5:
- Feature: now CLI mode uses configuration of master site (i.e. Akeeba backup via CLI will load global configuration of master site). Akeeba backup cron job can use CLI command now instead of previously required 'wget'.
- Feature: move of sites configuration files into /components/com_mightysites/configuration folder. By default files were stored in root folder of Joomla installation.
- Fix: punycode for IDN host names.
- Feature: ability to override 'File Path' and 'Image Path' settings of Media Manager.
- Feature: ability to override 'New User Registration Group' per site.
- Fix: wrong alias confiig.
- Feature: 'mightysites' group of plugins for adding own components for data sharing with onMightysitesGetSynchs and onMightysitesCreateReplacements events.
- Feature: new site now inherits all settings (including sharing options and overrides) from 'Configuration Source' site.
14 May 2014 - ver. 3.2.4:
- Fix: mod_security improvements.
- Fix: Joomla 3.3 compatibility.
07 March 2014 - ver. 3.2.3:
- Feature: 'Custom JavaScript' site setting to inject code into <head>.
- Feature: Domain aliases (domains which don't have own config but use config of other sites).
- Fix: cloning of MySQL views.
- Fix: logout issue with system cache enabled.
14 January 2014 - ver. 3.2.2:
- Fix: language override in Joomla 3.2.1
13 January 2014 - ver. 3.2.1:
- Fix: language override in Joomla 3.2.1
04 January 2014 - ver. 3.2.0:
- Feature: custom Favicon for each site.
- Feature: advanced setting 'MijoShop store ID' per site.
- Feature: ability to hide modules in slave sites running in same database
21 Nov 2013 - ver. 3.1.9:
- Joomla 3.2 compatibility.
27 Oct 2013 - ver. 3.1.8::
- Feature: ability to share all Virtuemart data without configuration.
- Fix: issue with copy/delete of MySQL views.
- Feature: force install SQL execution on component update when installing extensions in slave site.
- Feature: display of site secret key in backend site settings.
27 Sep 2013 - ver. 3.1.7:
- Added ability to remove certain menu items.
14 July 2013 - ver. 3.1.6
- Fix of warning in development mode of error reporting
20 June 2013 - ver. 3.1.5
- Removed Articles and Categories synchronization
17 June 2013 - ver. 3.1.4
- Added Articles and Categories synchronization
24 May 2013 - ver. 3.1.3
- Sharing of Tag and Tags references
12 May 2013 - ver. 3.1.2
- Fix: issue with language override
28 Apr 2013 - ver. 3.1.1
- Fixed compatibility issue with Joomla 3.1.+
18 Apr 2013 - ver. 3.1.0
- Added support for virtual sites http://domain.com/folder
31 Dec 2012 - unified ver. 3.0.2 for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0
20 Dec 2012 - ver. 3.0.1 for Joomla 3.0:
- corrected issue with wrong original homepage link if homepage overwrite is used for multi-language site
- corrected issue with non-mysql database drivers
08 Dec 2012 - ver. 3.0.0 for Joomla! 3.0