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p8pbb bridge 3.0.9

We have fixed two issues and added useful feature:

  • Fix: issue with search plugin not returning results.
  • Feature: ability to apply phpBB forum read permissions to list of topics in Latest Activity module.
  • Fix: issue with users import in Joomla 3.1.4
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Alter Glossary 1.1.0

Joomla 3.1.4 as minimum is required (or 2.5.13 series). List of changes:

  • Added Joomla 2.5 compatibility.
  • Added 'Search Meta Keywords' feature: now search query is also optionally searched withing term meta keywords.
  • Added Joomla 3.1 native tags
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p8pbb comments 3.0.3 - important update for Joomla 3.1.4

New version contains a serious must-have fix for new Joomla 3.1.4 code.

Few other changes:

  • Added editor button 'No p8pBB Comments' for auto-inserting tag into article text.
  • Fixed issue with wrong readmore link using https protocol.