Presale: Can I do this with Mightysites

Multisites manager and data sharing solution for Joomla!
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Presale: Can I do this with Mightysites

Post by markfell »

Hi, I am keen to see if your product will do what I am trying to achieve.

I have a client with multiple sites, I want to host and build them all the same under Joomla 2.5 and have K2 items and Categories as the main source of a Q & A that he requires for his blog system.

Therefore I need to setup, for example, I want to set up K2 and have a Category for and the other 2 sites. I want him to be able to put an item in K2 and then select the Category it pertains too and have that show up on the website.

1. Is this possible with you extension ?
2. Are there any fundamental issues with this do you see ?
3. Can I just update the one K2 Database and it be seen by all 3 sites?
4. What are the over heads in trying to achieve this ?

Regards and thanks in advance

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Re: Presale: Can I do this with Mightysites

Post by Admin »

1. Yes, MightySites can allow you to run, from single Joomla installation (using i.e. as base).
2. No issues.
3. All sites will load k2 database data from one site, so k2 data will be always same for all sites, edit/delete/create item on any site will affect all sites (all sites will always display same k2 contents).
4. I can suggest to use 1 database for all sites but different tables prefixes.
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Re: Presale: Can I do this with Mightysites

Post by markfell »

Thank you for the reply.

You mention using one database for the installation, do I then need to copy the tables for each new site and change the prefix ?

Looks like I will be purchasing this in the near future.

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Re: Presale: Can I do this with Mightysites

Post by Admin »

You can not copy tables if you already have a database tables set for new site.

Or MightySites allows you to copy tables from existent site into specified database with specified prefix during new site creation.
And you can also clone database tables set into specified database wit specified prefix at any time.
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