Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Ultimate bridge for connecting Joomla! and phpBB 3.
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Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Post by Lumenation »

Currently I use WP and WP-United. As it has been abandoned and the work to get what I currently have was... VERY... time consuming, I am looking into new and easier ways to possibly get a more versatile project.

Here is what I have: Click Here

Mind you it's nothing to sneeze at and there are a few things that are visibly off but overall a sound piece of web work. Gets the job done at least. What I learned from that experience is that WP is a very nice tool. But it pigeon wholes itself without the proper forum board to back it up. Since the forums were growing and it was a fragile time I couldn't pull the people to a new board as it was a game release and the community was moving forward.

Now there is just too much data and not enough way to get news and images and videos and just sharing in general out there for people to see. Also the process in which applications are being accepted and created is a endless edits of php/css/database. So now to the list.

I need:
To hook into Joomla Seemlessly(Aesthetics) - Something I have with WP and the current mod but I am unable to dual skin. As in the forum is fine but I can't put anything else on the page or it pushes the forum around and breaks the css.

To Intergrate with Joomla User Data - I have this as well but it's very buggy and with no room for movement. If I change a member to something in WP the board permissions become unstable.

Easy Install - I have a new job and I don't have the time to handle all of this as I did a month ago when I undertook the project. So as much time saving process as possible would be great.

Post to form integration - I have a post to form ability that runs through PHPBB currently. It emulates the WP, page as best I can, and then posts to the forums. I want to know if there is a module that I can use to duplicate and fine tune this process. There will be multiple of these.

Ability to link modules from Joomla to PHPBB - This can go from small to huge. Whether that's Steam profiles in the board where people post or a character profile on the Joomla side that links to the users in PHPBB/Joomla.

Are these things possible with quicker and easier execution than the previous build and what package should I purchase to get that?
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Re: Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Post by Admin »

You need 'p8pbb bridge' if you want to display modules in phpBB.
This version allows you to display wrapped phpBB inside Joomla template.

We provide free installation, it usually takes 5 mins.

You will need to setup Joomla and phpBB yourself.

We can't help with post to form, you should find the solution yourself.

Please also note that where are possible conflicts if using bridge and WP integration for Joomla.
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Re: Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Post by Lumenation »

I will not be using WP In any way on the next build. The next build is pure Joomla and PHPBB. I have a dev environment currently running and would like to build a release ready beta in dev with test forums and such so that I can then move the solution into the live environment, for as little amount of down time as possible. However I understand that may not be possible with this bridge technology. In which cause I would have to wait to purchase/install until the joomla solution is ready.

Only other question I have is what sort of modules and customer support do you offer.
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Re: Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Post by Admin »

Once a subscription is purchased you get 1 year of support and ability to download all updates/upgrades for 1 year.

Usual p8pbb bridge includes 'Recent Activity' and 'Forum Tags' modules.
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Re: Technical Requirements[Pre-Purchase]

Post by Lumenation »

I could def go for that installation now. Purchased today.
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