User rights and synchronisation?

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User rights and synchronisation?

Post by brononius »

I've got following situation today:
  • Forum phpBB 3.0.11
    And this forum is open for everybody. Everybody can register an username
  • Today about 109882 topics, 2517 users
  • Website joomla 3.0.2
    This website has a public side.
    And a 'closed' part that's only accessible by our members. Nobody can register a user, this has to be done by us.
  • Today about 1500 articles, 2000 users
Now i want to link the existing site, with the existing forum. Main reason is to finally integrate the forum into the site (today they run next to eachother).
But of course, some questions pops up:
  • -Since the forum is open for everybody, other usernames/passwords are used by them. Is there a way to sync them in one or the other way?
  • -Is it possible to put the forum-only users in a different joomla group (fe public)?
  • -Is there somewhere a kind of demoversion that i can use to test it?
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Re: User rights and synchronisation?

Post by Admin »

-Since the forum is open for everybody, other usernames/passwords are used by them. Is there a way to sync them in one or the other way?
No, synchronization of login and profile changes is done via same case-insensitivie username. So user should have accounts with same usernames and passwords in both systems.

-Is it possible to put the forum-only users in a different joomla group (fe public)?
Not possible automatically.
-Is there somewhere a kind of demoversion that i can use to test it?
No, we don't have trial version :(
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