Survey questions with responses with different score values

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Survey questions with responses with different score values

Post by yjthio »

Does Alter Surveys support the ability to assign a different score value to each answer?

I have a quiz question with a radio button selection for 4 different possible answers. Each answer is assigned a score from 1 to 4, so if the user chooses the first answer for the question, 1 point will be scored for that question. If instead answer 3 is chosen, the user will be assigned 3 points for that question.

I There 3 to 4 questions in each quiz; at the end of the quiz I need to tally up the score to determine whether the user qualifies to move on to the next quiz section.

Does Community Survey support this flow?
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Re: Survey questions with responses with different score values

Post by Admin »

Unfortunately, there is no "quiz" functionality. We have a plan to add it in 2022 only :(
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