Problem with BBcode replacements

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Problem with BBcode replacements

Post by ARTFX »

Hey there,

I'm running a live Joomla - PHPBB3 website about music production, running the RocketTheme Cerulean template and the P8PBB Bridge and P8PBB Comments. Everything is working very well, except for one thing.

I'm using the AllVideos Joomla plugin to enable easy Youtube (video) and Soundcloud (audio) embedding by using {youtube}...{/youtube} and {soundcloud}...{/soundcloud} tags inside a Joomla article. When creating a new article with embedded content a new forum topic is created in the right directory, but most of the time the Joomla embed tag is not replaced by the specified replacement. But now the weird thing happens... When I delete the topic manually from the forum, then browse to the article on my Joomla site and press Add Comment, a new topic will be generated inside the forum and now the replacement is showing correctly. :geek: I found that I need to do this on almost any created article using an embed code.

Inside P8PBB comments the replacements are set like following:

Code: Select all

Is this correct? And what could be causing this problem?

The live site is:


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Re: Problem with BBcode replacements

Post by Admin »

That means that current topics were created before configured tags replacements in p8pbb comments, so tags were not converted to BBCodes.
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Re: Problem with BBcode replacements

Post by ARTFX »

How do I fix it?
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Re: Problem with BBcode replacements

Post by Admin »

You can delete topics without answers, they will be recreated with new tags.
All other topics should be manually edited, or a simple script can be used, Ig uess we can help with it - please contact our Support.