Preprocess and Create a Temp Table

Complete full-featured tool for preview and download of SQL reports in your Joomla site.
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Preprocess and Create a Temp Table

Post by murugappan »


I been testing the extension and i have to agree that this is a super good extension and worth the price we pay.

I notice something really of high value missing. Is there a php preprocess script option available where it is executed a background php script prior to loading the report and create a temporary table which could then be accessed in the extension to produce a report. The temp table is auto deleted when we exit of the report.

We use this feature a lot to merge and preprocess data from SQLSERVER and MYSQL to generate a consolidated report table. Previously we used Reportico from which has all these features. Unfortunately the developer of Reportico appears to have given up on the Joomla version.

Please advise. Thank you.
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