Current Features of JomSocial integration with phpbb

Tips and best practice of integration phpBB with JomSocial.
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Current Features of JomSocial integration with phpbb

Post by MrAnonymous »


I read other topics in this Jomsocial sub-forum but they were old ones and I would like a get the current status of this application. I have also read your features list for the p8pbb bridge but I still have a few more questions:

1) Am I able to show the user's posts in their JomSocial profile page (Joomla 3.3)? I understand that with CB, we can add a forum tab that shows the list of the user posts using this bridge, but how will that work with JomSocial?

2) Are users able to create new phpbb topics from JomSocial wall page itself? Is that integration possible?

3) I understand that this bridge will add activity on new posts, new topics etc in Jomsocial wall, similarly is it possible for users to add reply to forum discussions from JomSocial itself? How does it work here?

I have not yet decided if I am going to go with JomSocial, CB or EasySocial yet since I am still weighing in my options. But I would like to know the power of this bridge if I was to integrate it with JomSocial. Any insight will be hugely helpful.

Thanks heaps...
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Re: Current Features of JomSocial integration with phpbb

Post by Admin »

1) Yes, we have a special JomSocial application 'Forum posts'.
2) Not possible.
3) Not possible.
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Re: Current Features of JomSocial integration with phpbb

Post by MrAnonymous »

Would (2) and (3) be possible with EasySocial Integration that you are currently working on?
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Re: Current Features of JomSocial integration with phpbb

Post by Admin »

No, creating topics and posts will be possible in phpBB only.
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