Can I use this to put login URL on sub-domain

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Can I use this to put login URL on sub-domain

Post by fanofSR »

Im using a CDN that has issues with my front-end joomla login ( and about 7 other internal URLS )

Id like to take the front-end login and the /administrator and put it on a subdomain.

Is this possible?

Also...What the minimum PHP requirements to install this?

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Re: Can I use this to put login URL on sub-domain

Post by Admin »

CDN shouldn't have anything to do with login procedure, it's only for loading of static assets.

Even without MightySites, you can just point the subdomain to Joomla root folder and use subdomain as a mirror of a website. I don't see any purpose for Mightysites here.

MightySites itself requires PHP 7.4 or 8.x but note that 8.1 is still not good for Joomla and most of extensions, even 8.0 can be problematic for Joomla and 3rd-party extensions.
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