Bridge vs Light

Tips and best practice of integration phpBB with Community Builder.
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Bridge vs Light

Post by dbeezley »

I've been using Joomla, CB and Kunena for years to run a genealogy website. I'm much more interested and skilled at genealogy than running a website but someone's gotta do it. I like things to function well, but I get lost if it gets too complicated. OTOH, I like to get the best bang for the buck. There is only $10 difference between regular and light, but by the looks of the list, there are a LOT more features for the $10.

I'd like to replace Kunena, keep CB on Joomla. I tested phpBB and think it looks better and works better so I'm considering the integration. There are a lot of features but seems easy enough to tame it to a simple level. I don't want to get more layers of complication with the bridge. All I want is a forum resting comfortably and simply inside my Joomla site, with a seamless user experience using their CB profiles. I want registration and login to happen ONLY using CB. I don't want people to do that through phpBB.

If "simple" is my goal is that anything that "regular" has that would be really important? If I find that I actually need something in "regular" can I upgrade for $10?
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Re: Bridge vs Light

Post by Admin »

Please note that usual and light versions are actually different, light version is non-invasive and phpBB is displayed as it is. Full version loads phpBB inside Joomla with custom SEF URLs, as a result not all phpBB extensions will work.

If you need simple level of integration, it's better to use light version. Note that you can easily redirect phpBB login and redirect URLs via .htaccess.
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