Access to the user manual
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This forum is not for any support questions/issues/features. Please use Support Center for such requests.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: December 11th, 2012, 6:24 am
- Name: Alexandru Bunduc
Re: Access to the user manual
Post by AlexandruBunduc »
Can you please send a user manual for me please? thank you
Re: Access to the user manual
I would greatly appreciation access the user manual as well. I would like to try this but need to see how it works.
Last edited by bcsgroup on December 18th, 2012, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Access to the user manual
Would it be possible to have the user manual by email? Many thanks.
I read few topics but still have a couple of questions:
- can you confirm it is fully compatible with Jreviews?
- is it compatible with the Cobalt component?
- regarding multilanguage (to achieve 1 site / language) under one of these CCK, would a solution like Josetta or KMFasTrans be compatible (as it uses the core translation system of J2.5
Thank you in advance for the manual and the answers!
Would it be possible to have the user manual by email? Many thanks.
I read few topics but still have a couple of questions:
- can you confirm it is fully compatible with Jreviews?
- is it compatible with the Cobalt component?
- regarding multilanguage (to achieve 1 site / language) under one of these CCK, would a solution like Josetta or KMFasTrans be compatible (as it uses the core translation system of J2.5
Thank you in advance for the manual and the answers!
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Re: Access to the user manual
Yes, it is compatible with JRevews.
No current support for Cobalt, please create a ticket in support center and attach this component, we will take a look.
Joomla has own multi-language features and better use it instead of any 3rd-party solution.
No current support for Cobalt, please create a ticket in support center and attach this component, we will take a look.
Joomla has own multi-language features and better use it instead of any 3rd-party solution.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: December 23rd, 2012, 7:00 pm
- Name: Vanessa Rosa
Re: Access to the user manual
Post by gothixmodel »
HI, is it possible to view the manual as well? I would like to see how the backend looks on this before I purchase. thanks!
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