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Countries of the world

This is sample report which lists rows from database table with countries.

There is a filter by continent configured, you can search by country name, export rows in various formats etc.

"Name Starts With" filter depends on values of "Continent" and "Republic" filters. The list of values is auto-reloaded on change of dependent filters.




Results 136 - 150 of 246
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ISO Code
# Name Full name 3166-1 alpha-2 3166-1 alpha-3 3166-1 numeric Continent
136 Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands MH MHL 584 OC
137 Martinique Martinique MQ MTQ 474 NA
138 Mauritania Islamic Republic of Mauritania MR MRT 478 AF
139 Mauritius Republic of Mauritius MU MUS 480 AF
140 Mayotte Mayotte YT MYT 175 AF
141 Mexico United Mexican States MX MEX 484 NA
142 Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia FM FSM 583 OC
143 Moldova Republic of Moldova MD MDA 498 EU
144 Monaco Principality of Monaco MC MCO 492 EU
145 Mongolia Mongolia MN MNG 496 AS
146 Montenegro Republic of Montenegro ME MNE 499 EU
147 Montserrat Montserrat MS MSR 500 NA
148 Morocco Kingdom of Morocco MA MAR 504 AF
149 Mozambique Republic of Mozambique MZ MOZ 508 AF
150 Myanmar Union of Myanmar MM MMR 104 AS