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Alter Fields

Displays Joomla custom fields in backend item list.

For each custom field, you can enable its display in backend item list with some handy settings like CSS classes for table column heading and data cell, field layout (except frontend templates overrides).

Supports display of custom fields for Joomla articles, users, contacts and categories by default.

Works with 3rd-party Joomla extensions if they follow native Joomla code standards (but no guarantees).

Works perfectly with our AJAX Toggler and AJAX Toggler Pro extensions.

Additionally, take a look at Alter Fields Pro version which allows to sort, filter and search by custom fields.

Installation and configuration is simple: install the extension, next edit "System - Alter Fields" plugin and save settings. Now you can edit your custom fields and configure them for display in "Item List Options".

Extension information


5.x maintained

4.x maintained

3.x not maintained

click here
See also:
AJAX Toggler
AJAX Toggler Pro
Alter Fields Pro
Alter Tags
click here


  • Displays custom fields of all native Joomla components.
  • Displays custom fields of native Joomla categories.
  • Works with 3rd-party extensions if they follow native Joomla code (but no guarantees). Known integrations: all AlterBrains extensions, DPCalendar.
  • No hacks of Joomla core files!

Want a new feature? Why not? Please Contact Us!

  • Joomla 4.3 or higher.
  • PHP 8.1 or higher.
  • Note: custom field layout overrides from frontend templates are not working.
  • We can't guarantee that the extension will work with all Joomla 3rd-party extensions. Definitely doesn't work with PWT ACL. Doesn't use translated custom fields data from Falang.

Current version:

  • Feature: new field setting "Default Value" to show the default field value in a list if item value is empty.

02 Dec 2023 - ver. 2.1.1:

  • Fix: Joomla 4.4.1 and 5.0.1 language issue.

17 Oct 2023 - ver. 2.1.0:

  • Feature: new field setting "data-value Attribute" allows to add the custom field value as data-value attribute of <td> tag and style the element via CSS depending on the field value.
  • Feature: Joomla 5 support.
  • Change: PHP 8.1 as min.

14 Jul 2023 - ver. 2.0.0:

  • Change: Joomla 3 support dropped.
  • Change: PHP 8.0 as min.

27 Oct 2021 - ver. 1.0.0