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Pre-sales -Access Slave sites without sharing session?
Posted: January 29th, 2014, 3:01 pm
by msjd
If you are logged into a master site, could you complete a subscription form on a slave site as a new user without sharing the session data across the two sites? Basically, the slave site would just see the logged in user of the master site as a new site visitor. This would allow the logged in user to create a shared subscriber across the two sites.
Re: Pre-sales -Access Slave sites without sharing session?
Posted: January 30th, 2014, 1:34 pm
by Admin
Sorry, I don't understand you
User can be logged in master site and not logged in slave site (default behavior).
Re: Pre-sales -Access Slave sites without sharing session?
Posted: January 31st, 2014, 11:46 am
by msjd
Sorry about the confusion,
So If I'm logged into the master site then, I can register a new user account on one the slaves site without the slave site inheriting information from the master and sharing the session data? Essentially, I would be subscribing/creating a new shared user on the slave site while still logged into the master site.
Re: Pre-sales -Access Slave sites without sharing session?
Posted: January 31st, 2014, 2:23 pm
by Admin
Yes, you can be logged in master site, next go to slave site - you will be not logged here, so you can register as usual.
Note that if slave site shares users - you can register with same username / email as you have in master site.